I don't usually check the details
of my monthly pay check from the school district much beyond the number of days
worked to make sure it's correct.
So I was a bit surprised to
notice an entry in a column that has historically been blank since I started working
as a substitute teacher. The column labeled "Sick Leave Balance" was
no longer blank! Evidently a new California law went
into effect starting July/2015. My job classification now requires the school
district to pay for sick days.
How it is calculated, that
still a bit of a mystery but as far as I can tell it looks like 1day/month of
the school year....maybe.
How exactly do you use the sick pay days?
I'm a sub in California and I heard about it, but I don't understand how we use it, since we're on-call employees
In my district all I had to do is go into the district office and fill out a form that stated I'm using a sick day for an assignment I cancelled.
I don't know if that would work if I hadn't already been scheduled to work and just decided I needed the day off.
Thanks for your awesome effort to make online education more useful!
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