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Friday, January 27, 2006

Sub Lady Retired!…

Fourteen days and absolutely NO calls! Extremely odd!

Did the district office find my blog? Did I piss someone off? Did the teachers get a new contract that said they get paid for any unused “sub days”? Am I paranoid?

(WHO SAID THAT?.....Oh yea…That was me…)

Instead of calling the office, I paid an in person visit to try and find out that the scoop might be. I have had several friendly previous conversations with the “sub lady” so I know I could tactfully ask a few questions and get a straight answer.

Guess what? She retired! She isn’t there no more! There is a whole NEW “sub lady” running the show!

She checked the schedule and there was one “missed” call for me in the last two weeks, but other than that nothing seemed to be amiss otherwise. She assured me that I wasn’t being blackballed or anything like that.

She did put my name on a sticky post-it on the side of her monitor and said she’d be sure to give me a call the next time an unfilled position came up. It pays to be pushy!

Let’s see what next week brings…

In the mean time, I went and bought a new digital camera (Panasonic DMC-FX7) to pursue a second part-time career selling stuff for other people on eBay.

I met with my first potential client last night in the retirement community near by and they assured me that there was a TON of interest from residents that just want someone else to do the work to “unload” a lifetime of accumulated “junque”.


Fred said...

We don't have a sub lady. We have a sub computer.

The MAN Fan Club said...

Our system is automated. Sure we can hand pick our subs when we plan sick days.

Be sure to double the shipping costs so you can make some $$$$.