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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Where’s Waldo (Marko?)…

A comment to a previous blog post read: “What are you going to do for the summer?”
Well, I won’t be in summer school as all those vacancies are taken by the regular teachers for the summer.

I realize that my posting frequency declines when I’m not in class and…well…It IS summer. No classroom drama, no interesting students doing surprising things, no school administrators making my life blog worthy.

We already took two weeks off toward the end of the school year (one of the only perks being a substitute teacher) to vacation in Hawaii. That pretty much blew the vacation budget for the year but we will be off to a wedding this summer to a location we’ve never been before.

I won’t say exactly where and when so as not to tip off the burglars at home. But if you recognize the location where we’ll be staying for a few days next month and notice a guy in a Hawaiian shirt and Kauai ball cap looking a little lost and directionless, then come on over and say “Hi”. 

Mr&Mrs. Homework could use a few tips on what to see and do while we're there.

(I'll publish ALL the comments after we get back).
So far we have 1 correct guess:
     Erin is correct. Thx for the suggestions!


Erin said...

Chicago? Looks like the marina towers. Some ideas: river boat tour, walk along the lakeshore/visit Buckingham fountain, Navy Pier, or just watch Ferris Bueller's Day Off and do anything they did.

KauaiMark said...

We should be in Chicago this afternoon!!!