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Monday, December 14, 2009

Physical Education (PE)

I picked up surprise assignments for Thursday and Friday. It was a surprise because it was for one of the schools I rarely see on the sub system. In six years of subbing, I’ve been to this school exactly twice before.

I’m not sure when PE was instituted for class levels below middle school, but it was sometime after I last attended. In High School we had PE clothes to change into for class. You could get out of PE class if you had a medical excuse or you were a member of one of the sports teams. In all cases, PE meant you were supposed to exert yourself enough to soak your PE clothes with sweat.

From personal observation, PE means “Pathetic Enthusiasm” when it comes to any kind of organized exercises for elementary school kids. Even the obligatory final “take two laps” is taken at a leisurely walk by a good number of the kids.

When I was informed that, because of the rain, the PE class for my 4th graders would be held in the cafeteria/common room with the three other 4th grades I wasn’t expecting anything more than the usual “Pathetic Enthusiasm” of non-exercise.

I was wrong.

A sound system was rolled out and a video on the 12 foot projection screen started. “Tae Bo Kicks for Kids” had over a hundred 4th graders kicking, twisting, and moving to the beat. It was actually fun to watch them.

No, not all were in sync all the time, but at the end I did see more than a few sweat stains.

1 comment:

GT Goddess said...

Genius! When I was in school we always had way more enthusiasm for "step aerobics" than square dancing.