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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

What's that?

The phone is ringing at Oh-Five-Dark-Thirty Tuesday morning. I know it’s a subbing job. I’m not totally coherent that early in the morning. Add to that the sometimes bad audio quality of the SubFinder system audio and it could come across something like this:

Lyrics from: 'o fortuna' by carmina burana.


Law and Order Teacher said...

Excellent. It seems to me that some of my students sound like this when they talk to me. Some talk so fast and use slang I don't understand. I slow them down and make them repeat. They get frustrated, but I point out that it does no good to talk in a job interview in an understandable way. Communication is the key! You can't text your life away.

Law and Order Teacher said...

Or to type in a way that's not understandable. That sentence should read, It does no good to talk in a job interview in a way that isn't understandable.