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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Another Reason I Don't Do H.S.

I'm not sure what class this guy was supposed to be substituting, but clearly he's not in control...


The Vegas Art Guy said...

referral referral referral referral...

KauaiMark said...

Vegas Guy--

Like he said in the video, he doesn't even know who some of the people in the class are or where they came from.


Law and Order Teacher said...

The epitome of classroom management. They should make that video available to anyone wanting to be a sub. "This is how not to do it." I hope this guy donated his check to charity.

The Vegas Art Guy said...

What makes me mad is that he's not even trying to teach. He should have gotten on the phone and asked for help telling the admin that he had kids who should not be there. And he should turn in his subbing license...

Marie said...

Did he have some sort of lesson he was supposed to be teaching? What does he expect kids to do when he just sits behind his desk watching them dance and goof off? I agree with vegas art guy...

Anonymous said...

I've had a few classes like that, sometimes a school treats a certain period as a 'dumping ground'/ detention-that-isn't-detention where they mass all the disruptive students. In my experience these were the exceptions, even at the high school level (but our district wasn't exactly the slums, either, so YMMV).

Two things that stand out. First, no matter how bad things got, I always maintained control over who was coming and going. Reason: if a kid's supposed to be in your classroom and they're someplace else, YOU ARE STILL LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT HAPPENS TO THEM! I've pulled kids aside and admonished them for taking too long on a "bathroom pass" for just that reason: if something happens to you, its on me, so I need to know where you are.

Second, if the sub dresses like a HS kid, no wonder they have little respect for you. I'm not saying a suit-and-tie could have salvaged the situation, but geeze, at least make an effort! Again, *you're* supposed to be the adult here!

Daisy said...

Thinking out loud... looking at the layout of that classroom, it is a little non-traditional. Could that have been a study hall? Not that it is OK how kids were goofing off and leaving and all that , but it would be less horrifying than if it was an actual class - no?

KauaiMark said...

The guy posted a follow up video that described the class as "Interpretive Dance" and "No" the teacher didn't leave a lesson plan.